Before your trip
Information and tips before your trip to Stöten
Here, we've gathered some tips before your upcoming trip to Stöten to make your stay as good as possible.
Pre-book for a smoother stay
To save time, reserve as much as you can in advance prior to your arrival. Book lodging, SkiPass, ski rentals, and ski lessons on our website or by calling +46 (0) 280-750 00. This will speed up the check-in procedure and rental pick-up, making the start of your vacation as smooth as possible!
Additional services
You can also reserve bed linens and order cleaning services before your stay. Prices for our optional services can be found here.
The best way to Stöten
If you choose to take the car to Stöten and drive via Mora, we recommend that you take the road via Oxberg and Eversberg since that road is maintained all year round. You can read more about the tip to Stöten and download a road map description here!
Roadwork starting fall 2023
Beginning in the fall of 2023, roadwork will occur on Vasaloppsvägen from Fiskarheden to Oxberg via Evertsberg. This is expected to take 3 years, and travelers heading toward Sälen are encouraged to take alternative routes. For more information, visit the Swedish Transport Administration's website.
Cashfree resort
Cash is not king! Please note that Stöten in Sälen AB is a cash-free resort.
Check-in and check-out routines
We're constantly working to make the check-in procedure as smooth as possible. Your booking confirmation contains all information regarding your reservation. Click here to read more about our check-in routines.
We wish you a safe and pleasant journey to Stöten and we're looking forward to meeting you!