The trip to Stöten

450 km from Stockholm and 500 km from Gothenburg

Distance to Stöten

What address are you traveling from?
Provided by Google Maps

Stockholm 450 km
Göteborg 500 km
Malmö 730 km
Mora 130 km
Oslo, Norway 250 km
Gardemoen, Norway 200 km
Trysil, Norway 40 km
Copenhagen, Denmark 800 km

Travel by bus or train

If you choose to travel by train and bus to Stöten you can book a package trip with national train operator SJ. You take the train to Mora or Borlänge and continue then via bus to Stöten using Dalatrafik regional transport service. You can also travel the whole way by bus. Fjällexpressen service takes you the whole way to Stöten from Stockholm, Gothenburg, or Malmö.

Stöten’s GPS-coordinates

WGS84 Lat/Long: N61º 15.984, E12º 53.320
RT90: X=6798106, Y=1343551