
Quick and easy check-in in Stöten

Three days before your arrival, you will receive an email with information on how to check-in. It will tell you if you check in with a key, code lock, or app.

All of Stöten's accommodations have check-in from 16:00. When your property is ready for check-in, you will receive a text message.

Do you check in with a key?

  • 13.00-16.00 you pick up the keys at the reception.
  • 16.00-20.00 you pick up the keys in the arrival boxes, the box number can be found in the test message.
  • After 20.00 you pick up your key in our night box, and you will receive the code for the box in your arrival message.

Do you check in with a code lock?

  • Check-in via the link in your arrival email.
  • Once you have checked in, you will receive the code in a new text message.

Do you check in with our app?

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We're happy to help!

Welcome to Stöten and Sälen's best skiing!