Quick and easy check-in in Stöten
Three days before your arrival, you will receive an email with information on how to check-in. It will tell you if you check in with a key, code lock, or app.
All of Stöten's accommodations have check-in from 16:00. When your property is ready for check-in, you will receive a text message.
Do you check in with a key?
- 13.00-16.00 you pick up the keys at the reception.
- 16.00-20.00 you pick up the keys in the arrival boxes, the box number can be found in the test message.
- After 20.00 you pick up your key in our night box, and you will receive the code for the box in your arrival message.
Do you check in with a code lock?
- Check-in via the link in your arrival email.
- Once you have checked in, you will receive the code in a new text message.
Do you check in with our app?
- Open our app Stöten i Sälen.
- Follow the instructions in your email.
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We're happy to help!
Welcome to Stöten and Sälen's best skiing!