Ski Rules
Good sense and etiquette on the slopes
When purchasing a SkiPass at Stöten, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions, drawn up by SLAO in association with Stöten. You as a guest and Stöten are both responsible for ensuring that skiing is a safe and fun activity for everyone.
In SLAO's "Little Yellow" is where you'll find all the rules when it comes to skiing related activities on the mountain. Read SLAO's Little Yellow here!
In Stöten's slopes, the following equipment is approved:
- Skis (suitable for downhill) including skistopper and/or safety strap.
- Snowboard.
- Snowskate with safety strap.
In Stöten's slopes, the following equipment is not permitted:
- Equipment such as cross-country skis, snowbike, snowscoot, and snowbone is not allowed.
- It is strictly forbidden to carry a baby in a baby carrier on lifts or the slopes.
- It is strictly forbidden to use a sled or similar device in the ski area, nor day or night.
- Using private snowmobiles is not allowed at the resort.
- It's strictly forbidden to walk uphill on the slopes at all times. This rule applies to all; downhill skiers, cross-country skiers, and pedestrians.
- It is not allowed to have children sitting on your lap while on the chairlifts.
Please note that it is not allowed to use the lift without skis/snowboard unless the cross-country trails at the top are open!
Skiers' rules
Watch SLAO's short infomercial about the skiers' 10 rules, for safe and fun activities on the slopes:
SLAO's 10 rules for skiers
- Pay attention, show respect. Behave in a manner so you don't hurt anyone else.
- Adjust your speed and skiing techinque according to terrain, equipment, weatcher, and your skill level.
- Choose direction. If you are behind someone, you're responsible for keeping a safe distance when choosing direction.
- Start slow! Control the situation before you start skiing. Look up the slopes, and down, to make sure it's okay for you to go.
- Stop only where you're visible. If you have to stop, only do so when it's safe and you're visible to other skiers. If you fall, make sure to get out of the way for other skiers as soon as possible.
- Pass others with safe distance. Try to keep a safe distance to other skiers when passing them.
- Climb up at the side of the slope. Always climb up on the side of the slopes, especially when the vision is bad.
- Respect the signs. Signs and information in the slopes is for your and other's safety. Make sure to follow them!
- Help others. You are obligated to help when an emergency occurs. If involved in an accident, you must give your name and address for insurance issues.
- Report to the staff. If you notice something that's not right in the slopes, wether it's an accident, a visible rock in the snow, or something else, make sure to report to our staff so we can do something about it.
If you violate any of the rules, Stöten has the right to take away your SkiPass.