
We’re investing more in our snowmaking systems

Our snowmaking machines let us start the season earlier and keep snow in the slopes longer. As soon as the weather conditions offer the right humidity and temperature, we start the snow making process. During the pre-season, our talented snowmakers work around the clock to get the slopes in the best shape possible for the season. The slopes are covered with a 60-70 cm thick layer of man-made snow.

The snow from our snow cannons is more dense, rounder and more compact than authentic weather-made snow, making it more resistant to heat and durable. That’s why it’s great to make snow early in the season. We spread the snow using cannons that atomize water and push it out into the air with the help of powerful fans or compressed air. In the air, the water drops turn into snow crystals that fall to the ground. Our snow cannons are fed with water from Görälven. After the season, the snow melts and the water flows back into the river again. In other words; the only thing we use in our snowmaking process is freshwater from the river and electricity for the fans and the air compressing.

The perfect snow making conditions include low humidity and a steady breeze. That lets the water travel further and more water molecules have time to freeze into snow. Ideally. There should also be frost on the ground before making snow as the snow insulates the cold and therefore stays on the ground longer.

But we need to keep in mind that the natural snow is just as important in creating the magic of Stöten. Snow-covered trees and a white surrounding mountain landscape is a big part of the experience. Skiing on a blend of natural and artifical snow is also preferable because it makes the slopes skiable throughout the entire day withour seeming icy.

Better snow conditions in Stöten

Stöten has recently invested in snow-making systems that can produce up to 50% more snow compared to previous years, when temperatures are between -1°C and -5°C. That allows us to increase the snow production over a wider range of cold temperatures. The new snowmaking system enable us to open ski slopes faster and that is especially good news for guests who visit us early in the season, as our ability to have many slopes open early has increased significantly.